Rezbot/healer Build
I plan on submitting this into the Monk Basics section, but i would like some feedback first...
Divine Favor-12
Healing- 12+1
Orison of Healing
Word of Healing {E}
Healing Touch
Mend Ailments
Divine Healing
Heal Party
How I curently play this build:
I mainly play this in CA, but sometimes I'll go to TA and have fun with it. Thought i havent tried it in Tombs yet....
-Healing Touch and OoH are mainly used to keep myself alive during onslaughts.
-If not pressured, I'll use OoH and HT on others just because...
-Mend Ailments is used on pretty much everyone when they need it, though i look for single allies being cut up from a warrior or two.
-Heal Party as a good anti-degen. Poison is often spread across my party, so about halfway through the poison's duration ill cast, to get back everyone's lost health due to the poison, or other degen.
-Ressurect when 1 ally is down and needs back up
-Vengeance when I need another damage dealer or monk back up in a hurry.
I'm open to suggestions, because i dont feel like I can heal enough against a strong spike...